demotivational poster, art, map

commission wardrobe designed for client

Now then. We’ve all learned life lessons and if you are anything like me it’s usually the hard way. This commission was based on events which took place almost 20 years ago but, i think, gave those involved an appreciation of the dangers inherent in committing any crime. Imagine, if you will, that we are back in the heady of days of the early 90′s and you have just spent all your money on a copy of Shaq Fu (or something very similar) for your shiny new Super Nintendo games console. After tak

demotivational poster, art, map

mural commission painted for a sports shop on the isle of man

Seven @ Brixton asked us back again to paint up the corridor area in their fine establishment. This meant that we first needed to buff our own work from last year - which was actually surprisingly enjoyable and somewhat cathartic I have to admit. After that was complete we set to the task in hand of getting the new design up in double time for a special opening and wine tasting which was just one day away (which is now last Friday 17th). So to the dark studio it was for a quick case of stencil f

We were commissioned by the Electric Social (who we've worked for before) and Tiger Beer to design a picture that would adorn a large wall upstairs at the Brixton bar/club. Once we had a design finalised we measured up and went off to buy some canvas. At this point I didn't realise quite how bit a 5.5m x 2.6m canvas would actually be... It's always fun to go big but we almost bit off more than we could chew with this one as the canvas was far bigger than any room we had to work on it so we h

mural commission painted for a sports shop on the isle of man